Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thoughts on a Saturday

I've joined a new group of authors who are writers, mothers, fellow jugglers like myself - who are trying to do a bit of everything. We started as a support group, and after realizing how much we needed each other, we realized that we all blog- and by combining our efforts, we can share our experiences in the publishing world with all of you!

Case in point. This blog was just interrupted by serving breakfast, administering a dose of Claratin to fight an extremely runny nose and allergy cough, and breaking up a squabble that I think started because mommy was only loosely paying attention to the equal distribution of tinker toys!

When do we find time to write? Whenever we can. Now I have to go re-plan a backyard scheme to include my oldest daughter's birthday present...

Back again. What was I saying? Oh, right. Finding time. It's Saturday, at least. I overslept, otherwise I would have been writing at 5:00AM, like usual. Looks like I'll be up long after everyone's gone to bed editing my latest WIP (Work In Progress).

My New Year's Resolution was to be better organized with my time. When you're juggling family, work, writing, blogging, and now MARKETING (*argh!) something has to give. So, tomorrow I'll be planning out my posts for the month of February. So, dear reader, please let me know what you want to know about...
  1. How to become a published author?
  2. Waxing rhapsodic on romance as a genre, a past-time, or a way of life?
  3. How to juggle a budding writing career?
Looking forward to hearing what you want to read...

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