Sunday, January 11, 2009

E-books & Reading Habits

Hey, everyone

I'm researching more about how and what we are reading - collectively. So, if you care to play - comment below:

1. List the last book you've read/purchased & plan to read (at LEAST 1)
2. Where you picked it up (, Library, Borrowed from a neighbor)
3. Answer this question: Have you ever read a chapter/story on your phone or computer?
4. How many hours a day/week do you spend reading blogs?

For me:
  1. Nora Roberts, The Pagan Stone -- Next up on the nightstand: Courting Trouble by Renee Knowles! -- Ordered from
  2. Christmas gift - bought at Costco & it MYSTERIOUSLY appeared in my stocking
  3. YES - on my computer. Still have yet to purchase an e-book & don't yet have an iPhone or Kindle.
  4. TOO Many!! At least a half-hour to an hour a day.


  1. Hi Ashley -
    1) Susan Wigg's Just Breathe -
    2) Library
    3) No - don't red books on computer or phone
    4) Too few - yours is the only one this week and I sadly ignore myown blog too often - I do Twitter and Facebook way too much though
    lynn romaine

  2. Hey, thought I'd give my two cents.
    1. The Last Bullet--Merline Lovelace
    2. Don't really remember where I got it. I've a pile of books in my TBR pile. Probably a used bookstore or Wal-Mart.
    3. I read a lot of books on my computer. Just won a Crimson Rose one last month.
    4. I try to read blogs after I've written, edited or crit something each day. I love reading blogs so I use it as a reward. I have a blog roll on mine.
    Hope this helps in your article.

  3. I'm still reading print books because I don't have an e-reader yet. I used to read ebooks on my Palm, but I found the screen to be too small. Now I have a new phone with an even smaller screen, so I won't read on it, either.

    The last book I purchased was The Kills by Linda Fairstein. I'm reading her entire Alexandra Cooper series.

    I read blogs daily, but not always the same ones.

  4. I'm really interested in picking up a little laptop for the kitchen - just for facebooking, emailing, and looking up my recipe box.

    Just call me gadget girl!

    I love to read short stories online, on blogs or pdfs... I have yet to read a full length novel that way, though.

    Thanks for answering!


  5. Hello!
    1. I purchased Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich earlier this week. I'll start it after I finish Maya Angelou's Letters to My Daughter. (I'm also reading Geocaching for Dummies.)
    2. Bought Plum Spooky at Target.
    3. I have read a few short stories on the computer... but not something I enjoy.
    4. Just recently, I've started reading more blogs, probably spend 30-60 min a day.

    I actually have a laptop on a folding table in between my kitchen/breakfast/family room. Close enough to get recipes, etc... but can also watch TV, kids play, etc. I absolutely love it!


  6. Thanks, Arrion! My sis got one of those little dell cheap computers for e-mail, etc. and she's loving it.

    I'd love to see kitchen designs in 5 to 10 years. I'm betting that we'll all have more wired houses than we have now.

    Thanks again for participating, everyone!

  7. 1) The last book I purchased was Under the Blood Red Moon by Mina Hepsen. The list is long for most recent books read. I think I read around 30 books in December. It's amazing I find time to write.

    2) Bought at Borders.

    3) I have read stories on my computer, but I don't have a phone capable of reading eBooks.

    4) I just started blogging thanks to TWRP. I probably spend 30 minutes reading blogs.


  8. Thanks, Emma! Congratulations on your writing - looking forward to reading some of your works.



Thanks for commenting, and stopping by!
