Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Guess who was more excited to meet Jasmine and Aladin? Rachel or Me?
Ellie is missing from Pic as she couldn't stop climbing the Cave of Wonders, and had to be removed by her daddy - whom I am quite sure was bummed about not watching Jasmine. Look at her! I would have been bummed, too!
This morning, Rachel slept in and I spent some serious snuggle time with Ellie watching Dora. Then we wrote names on her Leap Frog clickstart computer. She's learning how to use the mouse. She's also digging the song I taught her to spell her name - what 2 year old can spell Elizabeth? Mine can. :) So proud. Then Rachel came downstairs, hair looking more like Madeline Kahn after becoming Mrs. Frankenstein, asking when Grandma was coming. HOLY COW. My mother's coming out this weekend. My house! Where's the housekeeper! What about my rewrites????

Then I remembered. Priorities. First my immediate family. Then my extended family. Then the rest of my life (writing, work, etc. etc.). I've added a new plate into my juggling routine. I now have to write in order to remain accountable. BUT - suddenly, it's all I want to do. BUT - therein exposes my need to prioritize. Daily. Hourly. By the minute. What the heck am I doing blogging right now, anyway?

Anyway, after a nice note from my editor, I'm able to breathe again. Did I mention how cool it is to write for TWRP? They are endlessly helpful, my fellow authors are enormously encouraging, and I feel I'm drinking from this well off creativity - so much I'm overflowing! However...

It's impossible to maintain a certain level of excitement for an extended period of time. I'm also going to have to step back from the message boards so I can get something done today other than lurk. Ha. SO - this morning, I'm contemplating the questions that the moderator of our online author's group asked of us. Namely:

  1. How does your main character feel about you?
  2. What position do your characters sleep in?
  3. Describe your story in under 25 words.
All challenging. I love this. So, I'm submitting my responses -and must go back to solving the world's bibliographic problems! so that I can pick up my kids and take them to the park. Oh. And go to writer's group tonight. Thank heaven for an understanding husband. If only I could find him underneath all of the laundry.

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